FEMME FRIDAY // Lacy Philips

Another social media connection turned friend in real life is Lacy Phillips. I first met Lacy when she featured me on Free + Native back in the early days of her beautiful and uber successful site. Although wellness blogs were most definitely a thing when she came around - Lacy truly defined a style within the movement. With constant consideration and overall great taste - Free + Native is worth the daily visit.

You also know you’ve arrived in LA when you’ve managed to build a successful business as a manifestation guide. While it may sound like something super niche - it isn’t. There is a practicality to Lacy’s technique that is applicable to just about anyone - and… she’s really GOOD at it. I’ve watched her manifest the s**t out of her own beautiful life - and feel lucky to be in constant text mode with her for guidance. She never fails to have something insightful to say, or to put a really refreshing spin on whatever you might be pondering. Plus, she’s funny and has just the right amount of crass to make you trust her (thank goodness)!

Any words of wisdom she has are worth listening to, which is why she is the perfect feature for all things femmespirational! And if you don't already Instagram stalk her, you can find her @freeandnative 

Your 3 Word Bio 
Manifestation Guide  (I don't have three)
One thing the internet doesn't know about you? 
I only have patches of freckles on the right side of my face and body. And I still have a fuzzy baby blanket (no joke) that I'd be mortified if anyone saw. But I saw (on IG stories) that Busy Phillips also has one, which makes me feel like I'm in good company. 
The can't live without it daily ritual that keeps you inspired?  
Wait, I do have more than one that all bare equal importance. Morning Sadhana, which are three kriyas after "tuning in". A five minute energy routine. And an abhyanga (self massage) followed by a cold shower. 
What is in your desert island cosmetic bag, and how do you use it? 
Nucifera which can be my face wash and moisturizer, hair conditioner, light sun coverage, and body moisturizer (unsolicited), RMS Lip2Cheek in Promise, RMS Lunar for luminizer, (and a sun hat).
And since we are on an island.... what's your favorite way to use coconut? 
All the ways. Especially for sexy time.

What impression do you want to leave?  

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